Our priority and passion is the integration of food crops, livestock and beneficial habitat for the purpose of establishing onsite systems for personal resiliency to climactic and economic changes. Not only do we live on our own homestead but we have been designing and developing homesteads in both the rural and suburban settings for clients for over fifteen years. No matter the size or location of your property, it is possible to develop integrated systems that bring you and your family joy and security through the holistic stewardship of plants and animals.
Our priority and passion is the integration of food crops, livestock and beneficial habitat for the purpose of establishing onsite systems for personal resiliency to climactic and economic changes. Not only do we live on our own homestead but we have been designing and developing homesteads in both the rural and suburban settings for clients for over fifteen years. No matter the size or location of your property, it is possible to develop integrated systems that bring you and your family joy and security through the holistic stewardship of plants and animals.
HTP has been working with private land owners, nonprofits and regulatory agencies on the planning, permitting and implementation of restoration and regenerative land use projects for more than a decade. From the initial phases of conducting a site analysis - to project recommendation reports and implementation monitoring - we have the experience and ability to execute the collective goals of the working team.
Not interested in growing food or raising animals as your primary goal? Are you interested in integrating better land management on your property? Through the establishment of a parcel-wide permaculture plan that integrates solar and visual sectors, flow patterns, and bioregional flora and fauna we are able to meet the client-focused goals with the least amount of ecological and economic impacts. Our Primary Site Assessment is designed to introduce how these concepts can be possible for you.
High Tide has been proving education-based services for more than two decades. Dan Mar has formal teaching experience in both public and private schools, domestically and internationally, in the development of adaptive curriculum. He has served on numerous advisory boards and has provided consultation services to government agencies, universities, non-profit organizations and the private sector.
Sheet mulching is the process of layering cardboard, straw, nitrogen and wood mulch to grass or weedy areas to prepare the soil for planting. The cardboard and straw smothers the grass and weeds, the earthworms cycle the carbon and nitrogen creating topsoil and the woody mulch protects the soil community from frost, erosion and drying out during the summer. This passive process will transform your soil into a fertile medium with very little maintenance needed during the growing season.
We do not use cardboard boxes that contain tape, staples, glue, and dyes and require lots of time to source and prepare. Instead we use 100% recycled rolls that are efficient to source and deploy and do not leave gaps for the grass and weeds to easily grow through.
We use real-time aerial imagery to create overlays which brings the design to life. This service is also available for real estate and other planning needs.
Having been subcontracted by nonprofits as well as seeking direct funding for clients we have the experience to assist you in discovering and applying for grants. Many aspects of the design proposals that we offer can be utilized to support the application for public and nonprofit funding sources.